Diet Soda Intake and Risk of Incident Metabolic

Study Preview

Study Title and Description

Diet soda intake and risk of incident metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).

Key Questions Addressed

2 What is the relationship between low-calorie sweeteners and body weight and composition in prospective observational cohort studies?
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Primary Publication Information

Title Data
Title Diet soda intake and risk of incident metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).
Author Nettleton JA., Lutsey PL., Wang Y., Lima JA., Michos ED., Jacobs DR.
Country Division of Epidemiology, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, Texas, USA.
Year 2009
Numbers Pubmed ID: 19151203
13310 (internal)

Secondary Publication Information

There are currently no secondary publications defined for this study.

Extraction Form: Extraction form for prospective observational studies


No arms have been defined in this extraction form.

Design Details

Design Details
Question... Follow Up Answer Follow-up Answer
Author, year Nettleton, 2009
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Cohort name Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
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Country US
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Baseline age, y 45-84
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Follow-up, y (between diet and outcome) 3-7
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Children/ adolescents (C) or adults (A) A
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Other population characteristics Ethnically diverse (Causasian, African American, Hispanic, and Chinese) without elevated waist circumference (WC) at baseline
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Mean BMI 27.9
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Author-defined exposure Baseline diet soda intake
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Assigned exposure LCS beverage intake
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Beverage (B), Food (F), or Supplement (S) B
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Exposure assessment method FFQ
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Diet assessment method 1 question on FFQ
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Year diet assessed 2000-02
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Analytic cohort no. 2428
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Sex (M, F) 1307 M, 1121 F
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Author-defined outcome 1 High WC (men > 102 cm and women > 88 cm)
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Author-defined outcome 2
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Assigned outcome 1 Elevated WC
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Assigned outcome 2
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Exposure unit servings/d
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β1 for Δ in outcome per unit increase in baseline exposure NA
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β2 for Δ in outcome per unit increase in baseline exposure
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SE1 for β (baseline exposure) NA
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SE2 for β (baseline exposure)
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t-statistic (baseline exposure and outcome) NA
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β for Δ in outcome per unit change in exposure overtime NA
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SE for β (change in exposure overtime) NA
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t-statistic (baseline exposure and outcome overtime) NA
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Quantiles Quartiles
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Q1 intake 0
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Highest Q intake >1
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Q1 change in outcome NA
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Q1 SD change in outcome NA
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Highest Q mean change in outcome NA
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Highest Q SD change in outcome NA
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RR (highest vs. lowest) 1.59
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LL (highest vs. lowest) 1.23
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UL (highest vs. lowest) 2.07
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Dose-response RR NA
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Dose-response LL NA
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Dose-response UL NA
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Statistical adjustments age, sex, race, study site, education, PA, smoking status, pack-years, supplement use, and energy intake
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MV-adjusted (Y/N) Y
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Energy-adjusted (Y/N) Y
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Baseline BMI/ weight-adjusted N
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Baseline Characteristics

No baseline characteristics have been defined for this extraction form.

Results & Comparisons

No Results found.

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Diet Soda Intake and Risk of Incident Metabolic


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